Friday, October 8, 2010

The Workers Compensation Claim Process

The Workers’ Compensation procedure was developed to preserve hurt individuals by supplying benefits in case there is an on-the-job injury or an injury suffered due to the type of work done. Some workers’ compensation claims are for incidents on the job such as loss of arm or leg in a mechanical device or a back injury due to heavy lifting. Additional workers’ compensation claims are due to medical problems due to continuous motion, such as carpal tunnel syndrome. No matter of the sort of injury you have suffered at your job, you should seek the legal advice of an qualified Pennsylvania workers compensation attorney to make sure that you and your family get the many benefits to which you're entitled.

Submitting a Workers’ Compensation claim is no easy task. The language can be complicated and complex, and often times, the initial filing is rapidly refused, but can be easily understood by a Pennsylvania workers compensation attorney. Workers’ Comp will deny claims for reasons such as a deadline was skipped or a form was filled out wrong. Workers’ Compensation law firms have a great deal of experience filling out these forms and dealing with the complex facets of Workers’ Compensation law.

A claim for workers’ compensation benefits must always be made in less than six months of the date of the injury in most states. This may be increased to three years in some cases. A worker is not eligible for compensation unless notification of the accident was given to the employer immediately after the injury took place.